外教Dormán András
日期:2024-01-05 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]

个人简历:Dormán András,出生地点和出生日期: 匈牙利布达佩斯,1988年。

      学历: 语言学博士    匈牙利语对外教育(研究生专业培训)  法语对外教育(硕士学位) 历史教师(硕士学位) 

主要研究领域/主讲课程: 匈牙利语,法国研究,语言规划和语言政策,外语教学法  匈牙利语口语I-II、匈牙利语听力I-II、中级匈牙利语I-II、匈牙利语综合练习、匈牙利历史等。

  • Place and date of birth: Budapest, Hungary, 1988.

  • Qualifications:

  • ·         PhD in Linguistics

  • ·         Teacher of Hungarian as a foreign language (postgraduate specialist training)

  • ·         Teacher of French as a foreign language (master’s degree)

  • ·         Teacher of history (master’s degree)

  • Subjects and research interests: Hungarian studies, French studies, language planning and language policy, foreign teaching methodology

  • 主要研究成果/主要研究方向:

  • Publications:

  • ’The possibilities of reforming the Chinese university/college admission process based on certain international models’ (with Shi Quan) (study/article); In: Asia-Africa Language and Culture Research 2021.

  • ‘Teaching of the target language civilization and the development of intercultural competence in Hungarian as a foreign language course books with a view to the Origó language exam level B1’ (study/article); In: Hungarológiai évkönyv 2020/I.

  • ‘Etymological Dictionary of Hungarian Idioms and Proverbs.’ (review), In: Alkalmazott Nyelvtudomány 2018/II.

  • ‘Language planning and language policy in France. The establishment of the French national language, the main stops and challenges.’ (doctoral thesis)

  • ‘The European francophone countries outside France, French as first language in Belgium and Luxemburg’ (study/article); In: Anyanyelv-pedagógia 2016/I.

  • ‘The past and present of French as first language in Canada’ (study/article); In: Anyanyelv-pedagógia 2015/III.

  • ‘The establishment of the French national language, the main stops and challenges in the history of first-language teaching’ (study/article); In: Anyanyelv-pedagógia 2015/I.

  • ‘The development of cultural and intercultural skills in French as foreign Language course with the method Alter Ego +’ (review); In: Revue d’Études Françaises 2014 hors série


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