个人简历:Dormán András,出生地点和出生日期: 匈牙利布达佩斯,1988年。 学历: 语言学博士 匈牙利语对外教育(研究生专业培训) 法语对外教育(硕士学位) 历史教师(硕士学位) 主要研究领域/主讲课程: 匈牙利语,法国研究,语言规划和语言政策,外语教学法 匈牙利语口语I-II、匈牙利语听力I-II、中级匈牙利语I-II、匈牙利语综合练习、匈牙利历史等。
Place and date of birth: Budapest, Hungary, 1988. Qualifications: · PhD in Linguistics · Teacher of Hungarian as a foreign language (postgraduate specialist training) · Teacher of French as a foreign language (master’s degree) · Teacher of history (master’s degree) Subjects and research interests: Hungarian studies, French studies, language planning and language policy, foreign teaching methodology 主要研究成果/主要研究方向: Publications:
’The possibilities of reforming the Chinese university/college admission process based on certain international models’ (with Shi Quan) (study/article); In: Asia-Africa Language and Culture Research 2021. ‘Teaching of the target language civilization and the development of intercultural competence in Hungarian as a foreign language course books with a view to the Origó language exam level B1’ (study/article); In: Hungarológiai évkönyv 2020/I. ‘Etymological Dictionary of Hungarian Idioms and Proverbs.’ (review), In: Alkalmazott Nyelvtudomány 2018/II. ‘Language planning and language policy in France. The establishment of the French national language, the main stops and challenges.’ (doctoral thesis) ‘The European francophone countries outside France, French as first language in Belgium and Luxemburg’ (study/article); In: Anyanyelv-pedagógia 2016/I. ‘The past and present of French as first language in Canada’ (study/article); In: Anyanyelv-pedagógia 2015/III. ‘The establishment of the French national language, the main stops and challenges in the history of first-language teaching’ (study/article); In: Anyanyelv-pedagógia 2015/I. ‘The development of cultural and intercultural skills in French as foreign Language course with the method Alter Ego +’ (review); In: Revue d’Études Françaises 2014 hors série